
Analysis finalized a significant project in cooperation with RDA Juzni Banat

Laboratory of the Regional Development Agency Southern Banat and Analysis d.o.o. have successfully finalized a very important project, with the aim of analyzing water and soil quality in South Banat and the Timisoara region. Analysis equipped the laboratory with a Thermo Fisher Scientific  Vanquish Core HPLC system coupled with a TSQ Quantis triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.

Analysis team’s service engineers installed the system and trained the staff, while colleague Sanja Đekić was in charge of application support. She successfully set up a method for multiresidual analysis of 280 pesticides and their metabolites. In this way, a monitoring system was implemented to collect data on the pollution of natural resources in the border region.

In addition, a complete infrastructure with accompanying equipment for the preparation of water and soil samples was successfully installed. It includes a mill and sieves by Retsch, centrifuge, fumehood, solid phase extraction (SPE) system, ultrapure water system, analytical scale and other equipment.

The Analysis team is proud to participate in this environmental protection project of national significance.

For more details, watch the video report of Television Pancevo!

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