The ANALYSIS DOO team has recognized the need to develop and improve their service of application support to the users of their equipment. Today, the application team of ANALYSIS is recognized as a reliable partner and leader in their domain, owing to the knowledge and skills obtained through working with state-of-the-art technologies.

ANALYSIS offers applicative support in the pharmaceutical industry, environmental sciences, food and drink production, other industries, as well as science and medicine.
Our applicative programmes are led by experienced managers with higher education in the field of physical chemistry, chemistry, biochemistry, technology and pharmacy, who offer expert help to our users – from choosing adequate equipment and performing routine analyses,to development and implementation of highly complex analytical methods.
In the application domain, ANALYSIS offers the following services:
- Consulting for choosing the methodology and optimal laboratory equipment according to customer demands
- Development and implementation of analytical methods
- Validation/verification of analytical methods

Consulting for choosing laboratory equipment
In the domain of consulting, the ANALYSIS application support can offer you comprehensive and adequate solutions in terms of choosing the right methodology and instrumentation depending on your requirements and needs.
Through constructive conversations with you, our application support team initiates a detailed and accurate definition of your demand, which entails determining the parameters that need to be evaluated/analyzed in order to choose an adequate methodology, and finally, the necessary instrumentation

In this consulting phase, we aim to fulfill the following criteria, whenever they are applicable:
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Sensitivity
- Sample amount
- Selectivity
- Nature of the sample
- Destructivity/Non-destructivity of the technique
- Reliability
- Simplicity
- Analysis duration
- Economic efficiency
In collaboration with our sales sector, we deliver the best possible financial solution in the form of an offer.

Development and implementation of analytical methods
The service of development and implementation of the analytical method of your choice encompasses its development and introduction into routine use in your laboratory, whether it is a standard method, modified standard method, or non-standard method.
During this process, the ANALYSIS application support offers you a service which entails the following phases and activities:
Phase I: Preparation
- A list of necessary chemicals and auxiliary equipment with estimated amounts, depending on the number of matrices encompassed by the method
- A detailed plan of method development with time frames

Phase II: Method development
- Development and introduction of the method
- Consultations regarding introducing experiments in accordance with the method development plan
- Processing and analysis of the obtained experimental results
Phase III: Validation and implementation of the method
- A detailed validation plan with time frames for performing experiments
- Processing of validation results
- Generating the user manual
- Generating a report on the method validation
- Assessment of the measurement uncertainty
- Generating a report on the assessment of measurement uncertainty
- Generating a plan of internal quality control of the method
- Generating control cards in accordance with the plan of internal quality control of the method

Validation/verification of analytical methods
The reputation of your laboratory, as well as its competition on the market, largely depend on the possibility to prove that the assays you are perfoming are reliable, and the results valid.
The primary goal of laboratory testing is to obtain a reliable result in accordance with required demands, specifications, standards, regulations and/or law.

During the validation/verification procedure, the ANALYSIS application support offers you a service which entails the following phases and activities:
Phase I: Preparation for method validation
- A list of necessary chemicals and auxiliary equipment with estimated amounts, depending on the number of matrices encompassed by the validation
- A detailed plan of validation with time frames
Phase II: Method validation
- Development and implementation of the method
- Generating the user manual and performing the experiments in accordance with the validation plan
- Processing of validation results
- Generating a report on the method validation
Phase III: Internal quality control of the method
- Generating a plan of internal quality control of the method
- Generating control cards in accordance with the plan of internal quality control of the method

With the years of experience behind us, we can say that we can successfully fulfill almost any of your requests.
In every endeavor we strive to give our best, so that we devote enough time to every user throughout the duration of the whole project, regardless of which service from our portfolio is in question.