
Seminar “Advanced Analytical Techniques in Food, Environment and Pharma”

Honouring our tradition, Analysis d.o.o. hosted a seminar on “Advanced Analytical Techniques in Food, Environment, and Pharma”. The seminar, held on April 6 at the Hotel Hyatt Regency Belgrade, gathered over 300 attendees from diverse institutions throughout the region.

We presented the latest developments and novelties in relevant analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry, liquid, gas, ion chromatography, and elemental analysis, in collaboration with our partners from Thermo Fisher Scientific and Lab Instruments S.R.L., with a focus on applications in the environment, food industry, and pharmacy.

We would like to express appreciation to our colleagues, users of Thermo Fisher Scientific equipment, for sharing their experiences and results with other participants.


Check out our event gallery!

Below you can see what our guests had to say about the seminar!

See the rest of pictures here to get full sense of the atmosphere.
