The SOTAX’s CE 7smart UV Online flow-through cell dissolution testing system has integrated UV-Vis analysis of samples in real-time. These online UV-Vis measurements can be done both in open or closed loop configuration. For online analysis in an open loop setup, a wide range
of UV-Vis spectrophotometers can be directly linked to the system. Additionally, WinSOTAX plus Dissolution Software, enables online measurements to be taken at predetermined times. The system automatically reads the baseline for each cell, records raw absorbance data, as well as corrected data, and calculates concentration and % drug release. The CE 7smart series offers in-vitro drug release testing in compliance with USP 4, EP and JP, provides high resolution dissolution and is ideal for small volume dissolution and testing of poorly soluble compounds.
Analytical equipment
Dissolution Testing and Physical Testing
Dissolution Testing USP 4
CE 7smart UV Online