Dose liquids from reagent bottles or rapidly dispense multiple times in succession without refilling using Thermo Scientific Finnpipette dispensers, Stepper, or Multistepper pipettes.
Handheld Repeaters and Bottletop Dispensers

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Finnpipette Multistepper Pipette
Reduce the risk of error and increase productivity in immunoassay applications using the Thermo Scientific Finnpipette Multistepper Pipette – a lightweight, easy-to-use repeater pipette that provides simultaneous dispensing in eight channels. Designed especially for work with microplates, the Finnpipette Multistepper helps speed up routine laboratory procedures – simply attach, fill, and prime the module, then dial the selected volume.
Finnpipette Dispenser
Dose liquids from reagent bottles using Thermo Scientific Finnpipette Dispensers.
Finnpipette Stepper Pipette
Rapidly dispense up to 45 times in succession without refilling using this lightweight, easy to use repeater pipette designed for one-handed dispensing. The Thermo Scientific Finnpipette Stepper operates on the positive displacement principle, making it ideally suited for work with aggressive and viscous liquids.