Special Laboratory Cabinets for Dangerous Chemicals

Special cabinets handle the safe storage of typical items that need to be stored in laboratories – solvents, acids, alkalis and compressed gas bottles, and can also be used for chemical disposal. Acids, alkalis and flammable liquids can be disposed of directly into the containers through screw-mounted safety funnels, or from the internal workspace through the funnels on the worktop. Mechanical or electronic level indicators together with suitable ventilation systems make the safety cabinets complete.

Waldner offers several types of special cabinets:

  • Laboratory cabinet for acids and alkalis
  • Safety underbench unit for fume hoods (for storing limited amounts of acid and alkalis)
  • FWF 90 safety underbench unit for fume hoods (for storing limited amounts of flammable liquids)
  • FWF 90 Safety cabinet (for storing limited amounts of flammable liquids)
  • G 90 gas cylinder cabinet (for storing compressed gas bottles in buildings)

Check out the Technical Catalogue for more detailed information on special laboratory cabinets, and contact us to help you find the best solution for your lab.