Temperature controlled orbital shakers

Orbital shakers come in a wide range of temperature capabilities to meet specific growth requirements – from refrigerated shakers that go down to 4ºC and are used for protein expression applications, to high temperature shakers where temperetures go up to 80ºC, which are used for growth of thermophiles. Thermo Scientific stands behind their shakers with an industry leading warranty of 2 years on labor, 5 years on parts and a full 10 years on the drive mechanism.
Large models can accomodate maximum vessel size of up to 6 l (Erlenmeyer flasks), and have maximum 3 stacked units, whereas small models offer a compact, benchtop design, and can accomodate up to 2 l vessels.

Head to the link below to find the model suitable for your application needs, or contact us to assist you in the process.

Useful link’s:Brochure: MaxQ Shaker Series

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There are 4 types of temperature controlled shakers:

small incubated (benchtop models)

large incubated (floor and stackable models)

small incubated and refrigerated (benchtop models)

large incubated and refrigerated (floor and stackable models)