Laboratory Mills, Sieve Shakers and Pellet Presses

Retsch is a leading provider of neutral-to-analysis sample preparation and characterization of solids solutions. With a century of experience, Retsch develops size reduction and sieving equipment characterized by excellent performance, operating convenience, safety as well as a long lifetime. A reliable and accurate analysis is dependent on reproducible sample preparation. The "art of milling and homogenization" means reducing a laboratory sample into a representative fraction with homogeneous analytical fineness. For this purpose, Retsch offers a comprehensive range of the most modern mills and crushers for coarse, fine and ultra-fine size reduction of almost any material. The portfolio of grinding tools and accessories not only ensures contamination-free preparation of a wide range of materials, but also the adaptation to the individual requirements of various application areas such as construction materials, metallurgy, food industry, environment or pharmaceuticals. Additionally, in order to optimize sample preparation with mills, crushers and sieve shakers, Retsch offers assisting equipment such as sample dividers, pellet presses, feeders and dryers.


For chemical and physical analytical methods such as AAS, XRF, NIR or ICP, it is crucial to obtain a perfectly homogenized specimen, i.e. that the sample has an adequate degree of analytical fineness. Furthermore, a reliable and accurate...

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Sieve Shakers

Physical and chemical properties of solids are influenced by their particle size distribution. Therefore, controling this factor is of utmost importance in the context of science and quality control. Only if the size distribution remains...

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Sample Dividers

Retsch supplies sample dividers like e.g. sample splitters and rotating dividers, which divide all pourable solids so accurately that the characteristic composition of each fraction of the sample is indifferent from the origina...
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Assisting Equipment

Apart from Sample Dividers and Pellet Presses, Retsch offers the following assisting instruments: Bond Index Testers, Dryers, Feeders, Cleaners and Dust Characterization devices. RETSCH assisting instruments optimize and suppo...
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Milling and Sieving Applications

Retsch preparation equipment offer a wide range of applications such as: size reduction homogenization mixing triturating crushing fine grinding
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Pellet Presses

Retsch offers three models of pellet presses with different pressure forces for the preparation of smooth and solid pellets suitable for XRF analysis. For reliable and meaningful XRF analysis, solid, high-quality pellets are an...
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