Mass spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is an instrumental technique of sample analysis based on measuring the m/z value (mass/charge) of chemical species of interest. Since the 80s, it has gained universal recognititon due to the development of data systems and advanced electronics, and is one of central analytical techniques in laboratories worldwide. Several physical principles are used for measuring m/z values, including quadrupole mass filters, magnetic sectors, ion traps etc. Thermo Scientific released the first commercial triple quadrupole instrument in 1973, and has been on the forefront of progress in mass spectrometry since. With the introduction of the Orbitrap detector in 2006, it has ushered in a new age in high resolution/accurate mass (HRAM) mass spectrometry. Thermo Scientific portfolio of mass spectrometers and complete analytical solutions for countless applications are available on the website.

Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)

The next generation Thermo Scientific liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) systems deliver on ease without sacrificing high performance. A unified instrument architecture enables same performance accessories between systems, f...

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Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

Thermo Scientific's gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) systems offer sensitive and reproducible results for the most challenging application - even those involving complex matrices - enabling users to extract more information f...

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Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS)

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) enables understanding the origin of a compound and its history through its isotopic composition. Thermo Scientific isotope ratio mass spectrometers enable precise and sensitive measuring of isotopi...

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Mass spectrometry software

Mass spectrometry software platforms simplify your MS and MS/MS analyses. They feature intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that easily acquire, analyze, manage, and report data generated by LC-MS, GC-MS, IRMS, and ICP-MS systems. Comb...

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Gas Generators (Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Air)

The Peak Scientific's wide variety of nitrogen, hydrogen and zero air gas generators covers a broad range of applications including GC & GC-MS, LC-MS, ICP-MS and FT-IR. The Peak Scientific on-site gas generators offer a practical and...

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Certified Reference Materials

Lab Instruments manufactures ready-to-use kits containing mixtures of hundreds of standard pesticides for the calibration of scientific analytical instruments such as GC-MS/MS, GC-HRMS, LC-MS/MS, LC-HRMS, etc. Lab Instruments has certifi...

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Mass Spectrometry Applications

Thermo Scientific has developed an extensive collection of various mass spectrometry related applications, applicable across diverse fields, proteomics, forensic toxicology, pharma/biopharma research, metabolomics, clinical research, env...

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Ion Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (IC-MS)

The power of IC is increased when used with MS detection. This combination can be utilized when analytical confidence needs to be ensured, since mass detection dramatically improves the detection capability of the IC system (Th...
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