The Thermo Scientific EA IsoLink IRMS System provides an automated, easy-to-use solution for μg- to mg-level elemental and isotope analysis. This all-in-one isotope ratio mass spectrometry system allows labs to increase sample throughput, reduce cost per sample, and also provides high-precision elemental and isotopic analysis.The EA IsoLink IRMS System features helium saving technology and integration of temperature ramped gas chromatography delivering quick analysis times and low cost analysis alongside outstanding quality data, particularly on small sample amounts. These features allow pushing boundaries for research and routine analyses in ecology, biology, archaeology, geosciences, food integrity, and forensics at the same time offering built-in flexibility to quickly and simply adapt to changing analytical demands.
Analytical equipment
Mass spectrometry
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS)
Gas IRMS Peripherals
EA IsoLink IRMS System