Open air orbital shakers

Sample preparation is a vital step in your research, which means that choosing a reliable open air laboratory shaker enables you to focus more on your objectives and spend less time managing your equipment. Thermo Scientific open air benchtop shakers are ideal for protocols that use ambient temperatures, e.g., staining, solubility studies, extractions and washing procedures, and are suitable for use in incubators, warm rooms, environmental chambers or refrigerators, providing maximum versatility. Additionally, some of the models are CO2 resistant.
Open air orbital shakers have universal platforms anywhere between 11 x 13 in. and 18 x 24 in, some available in both single and dual stack. The weight capacity is between 6 and 32 kg, depending on the model. Some of the models are CO2 resistant.

Check out brochures or contact us to help you select the best fit for your lab’s needs.

Useful link’s:
Brochure: Solaris 2000 and 4000 shaker series
Brochure: MaxQ shaker series

Available in countries :

Available models:

MaxQ CO2 Plus Shaker (CO2 resistant)

Solaris 2000 Shaker

Solaris 4000 Shaker

MaxQ 2508 Dual-Action Shaker

MaxQ 416 High Performance Shaker (CO2 resistant)