The Thermo Scientific Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM brings field emission SEM to your tabletop. The Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM outperforms many floor-standing SEMs in terms of image quality, while offering significantly better user experience. It features fast sample loading, which means fast sample exchange and consequently higher productivity. Moreover, the Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM performs imaging and analysis jobs so quickly that it serves well as a walk-up tool. This sets it apart from other SEMs which oftenly end up being fully booked. The new Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM expands its acceleration voltage range down to 1 kV in order to better accommodate insulating and beam-sensitive samples, and up to 20 kV, with a resolution of 2.0 nm that reveals the finest details.
Analytical equipment
Electron microscopy
Desktop Scanning Electron Microscopy (Desktop SEM)
Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEG-SEM